A family story built on experience, quality and innovation.
Our core values are simple and wholesome.
Just like our bread.

Ardent Innovators
Change is constantly on our minds and we eagerly embrace new challenges with great determination. We painstakingly prepare new products and recipes, listen to our customers and always strive to surprise them.

Brands & Private Labels
ArteBianca has always developed products and services to cater to the needs of large retailers, not only with its own brands but also with the labels of its partners.

Our Outlook
In business and in life, it is essential to show responsibility and respect in order to achieve your goals. That is why we follow a few simple rules every day as we plot a path into the future.

ArteBianca has always been sensitive to ecological issues and the impact that its production processes have on the environment. Consequently, all of its technological improvements are geared towards reducing emissions.

With this in mind, the company took advantage of the following initiative: 2014-2020 European Regional Development Fund Regional Operational Programme, Axis 4, Action 4.2.1. Regional Council Resolution no. 90 of 27 January 2020. Call for proposals for energy efficiency grants for SMEs.

In 2021, Arte Bianca s.r.l. replaced an oven featuring outdated technology with an innovative oven, thus achieving its goal of saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The company was awarded a grant of €150,000.00 for this project.